The higher powers of astrology are on the march in honor of the first new moon of our astrological new year. The gods and goddesses have new missions and new orders that will advance divine will through the turbulent and fearsome retrogrades of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn which are but days away. Power is the magic word of April and between the profoundly alchemical retrogrades of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto it is power that will soon be redistributed all over the world in accordance with the infallible global strategy of the Most High God. This is the new moon that sets the year on fire! Prepare for the victory-focused forward charge of Aries but be wise about the methods of your advance as there are several powerful planetary retrogrades to honor during this cycle that won't be denied...
I predict the following themes and events to manifest within this lunar cycle which will culminate with the full moon in Aries of September 25th of 2018:
a wonderful new sensation of mental confidence, clarity, understanding, and focus which amplifies communication ability and manifestation power
unexpected challenges from peers and competitors towards the goal of integrity, performance, and value increases within communities, organizations, and industries
turbo-charged ascension through the reception, application, and projection of new forms of knowledge that expands existing boundaries into uncharted territories
spiritually-charged callings into higher forms of leadership, especially for the sake of healing and rebuilding
synchronistic connection with new success partners who are highly complimentary to your personal goals and ambitions, new teams and duos especially
a tremendous influx of innovative and inventive energy for creation, production, service, and construction to take on new forms and prosperous new directions
the increase of personal confidence through the acquisition of divine self knowledge
the positive entrance of new role models, leaders, guardians, and trend setters
the shattering of old and restrictive molds through the development of new mentality and the realizations of new success paths, requirements, and formulas
the divine enhancement of existing entrepreneurial paths towards new milestone achievements, this especially applies to conscious Kingdom builders
the creation of new fortune through new creative expression of the digital self
new personal contacts with military, law enforcement, and emergency first responder personnel towards the healing and strengthening of our communities and cultures
the reception of divine spiritual knowledge as it pertains to global military happenings
the issuance of new forms of spiritual armor and weaponry, this will happen on the inner and astral levels for those who consciously operate in these domains
the creation of new income streams through first time expansion and investment into bold new personal, entrepreneurial, technological, and professional directions
a new and positive social rewiring of neighborhoods, cities, and local communities
the increasing need to respond swiftly to developing events for the sake of new success, stability, and fortune
the inner opening of new frontiers of mentalism and mental symbiosis
the manifestation of emergency changes of course to prevent retrograde disasters
and the cosmic instilling of new warrior mentalities among all who are God aligned
Saturn Retro
On April 17th, just two days after the new moon in Aries, Saturn will enter retrograde at 9° Capricorn. Society has become increasingly conscious of Mercury's retrograde effects but Saturn's is 1700 times more powerful by mass, energy, and impact thus it is one that we must be wise to if perpetual ascent is one of our life objectives. Aries energy is about rapid advance but as this cycle starts Saturn will be imposing new thresholds of limitation that correspond with its transit location in all the many layers of our astrologically woven reality. This means that as certain aspects of our lives advance others may suddenly halt or regress depending upon our individual status with Saturn. By interpreting Saturn's influence through your horoscope you can understand Saturn's success requirements.
Saturn's Accountability Crossroads
Who is within integrity and who isn't? Who honors their God-given duties and who doesn't? Who betrays their office and who has striven up their mountain with honor? As one who values honor over gold I am pleased to tell you that Saturn will be imposing a great, inescapable, five month retrograde crossroads upon us all. Some will go high and some will go low, it all depends on our Saturn status, a concept that every conscious citizen should reflect on from time to time. Do not fear Saturn but respect it as an agent of God's authority, order, and accountability. If any aspect of your life is out of order now is the time to put it into order. As we do this Saturn's limits transform into permissions of power and progress.
New Healers
Be on the lookout for wonderful new healers to enter your life starting on April 17th when Chiron, chief of the healing deities, enters Aries. If you are already in a healing profession or trajectory expect Chiron's influence in Aries to take you into higher levels and uncharted territories so that you evolve into a more successful healer for your patients and clients. Chiron has a limited time in Aries this year so when alignments to Chiron occur be sure to be courageous and exploratory with personal healing efforts while acting upon novel new ideas and approaches that manifest themselves to you. Chiron will retrograde back into Pisces with September's full moon in Aries so do the most that you can with this energy while it is active. Healers will also be called into new social leadership positions.
Pluto Retro
On April 22nd, just one week into this Aries lunar cycle, Pluto will enter retrograde at 21° Capricorn. This is one of the power movements of April although Pluto's power is of extreme darkness. After observing Pluto's microcosms for seven years I have learned a great secret that I wish for all of you to know, perhaps out of a personal vendetta of mine: the Devil is supernaturally bound to Pluto's transit. You can also identify servants and agencies of the Devil through Pluto synchronicities. Keep this in mind during the Pluto retrograde time period and especially during election season. Don't vote for Pluto's candidates, vote for the Jupiter candidates, that is if you want to see Heaven being built on Earth while you walk it. And when Pluto is retrograde we see great evil from the past flushed out into the light...
Skin Shedding
Be ready to shed your old skin! There will be tremendous energies active during this lunar cycle to propel us forward through the resolution of outstanding problems from the past, including and especially from serious wounds that were never fully healed and from ongoing abuses of power. Astrology will be very, very catalytic these next few months and life will appear chaotic to the uninitiated. Things always get volatile when power is stripped from darkness to light and that is one of the major themes of this lunar cycle. As the old skin comes off, and as the new light comes in, be confident about the new plan that unfolds for the new you. When the Cancer transits start the new life sentiment will feel powerful.
Pressure Cookers
Diamonds are made under extreme earthly pressure. Human diamonds are made under extreme astrological pressure. With Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto soon to be in retrograde together we can expect for high pressure situations to begin manifesting in our lives in accordance with our karma, our ascension path, and the requirements for our next level soul development. If you find yourself in a pressure cooker don't panic, just recognize that you're experiencing a very powerful phase of alchemy that will lead you into a higher life if you respond and transform wisely while demonstrating the best conduct and service that you can. Spiritual performance powerfully determines how we exit our pressure cookers.
Bright Ideas
This lunar cycle will be super abundant with bright ideas. The ideas will come from benevolent cosmic sources and from our own elementally-charged brainstorming. It will be to our great benefit and fortune to act upon them as quickly as they come. Aries cycles always demand decisiveness, action, and rapid implementation. Be clear about the mind/action/manifestation formula for this cycle and ride it to new victory. Higher mind activations are an important part of this cycle, especially after the Uranus in Taurus transit begins. Do your best to keep your mind clear, peaceful, and mission focused despite any disturbances or distractions that you may see, or that may soon shock the world...
Information Warfare
This new moon in Aries marks a powerful turning point in the information war being waged against the 99%. During this cycle God will be forcing certain information through the forbidden media thresholds. I sense that there will be a shock and awe campaign that develops because of this, because of what is revealed to the world. Expect information warfare to intensify during this cycle but also have peace in knowing that God will be creating a new media landscape for us during the Jupiter in Sagittarius transit. Be prepared to fight with fact, knowledge, and information as new battles of mind and communication are part of this cycle. Use upcoming Mercury synchronicities to distinguish fact from fiction.
Government Squeeze
Governments are swollen with corruption and God knows it. I believe that the Most High will be using the Saturn and Pluto retrogrades in Capricorn to force secret government corruption out into the light ahead of key elections and for the sake of new accountability. Because Capricorn also rules industries and corporate officers I believe this same exposure and accountability effect will be coming into those echelons as well. Amari wanted me to emphasize the importance of having faith that is greater than fear during these times and that we should keep our energy high despite the storms that manifest. Never succumb to fear tactics and always remember that God's victory plan is perfect.
Closing Words
This article gives a taste of the cycle to come but naturally there is much more to it. For those who would like to receive a higher level of insight into the major astrological events I welcome you to try my popular Starseed SMS mobile service. Amari and I have learned that ruby is the true birthstone of Capricorn. With the Saturn and Pluto retrogrades in Capricorn soon to start we'll be wearing and holding ruby close to enhance our transit experiences. We offer rubies for sale and will be loading more soon. If you're interested in a professional session with either of us we welcome you to our services page.
Amari and I wish you all a divinely adventurous Aries cycle! Your comments and shares are always appreciated. Sign up below for direct email updates to avoid social censorship.
Astrologer Salvador Russo
Twitter @starseedastro
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