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The Ring Of Fire Virgo Solar Eclipse, 1 September 2016

Writer's picture: Starseed AstrologyStarseed Astrology

The world is on fire and the “ring of fire” solar eclipse in Virgo will make the fire burn hotter and brighter than ever before! The fire, of course, is elemental and it is something that we should all welcome because fire illuminates, purifies, and transforms. But don’t take my word for it, take the words of Jesus Christ who once proclaimed “I have cast fire upon the world, and look, I’m guarding it until it blazes.” Through astrology we know that the fire comes to us through Saturn in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries but a celestial wild card is soon to be played: The entry of Vulcan into Leo. The ring of fire solar eclipse in Virgo is soon to usher in the most powerful astrological month of 2016!

I predict the following themes and events to manifest beyond the annual solar eclipse of September 1st, 2016:

  • life refreshment through advances in family healing, security, services, and performance

  • the attainment of greater security through work and service evolution

  • divinely orchestrated relocations and upgrades of work related spaces and properties

  • the entrance of new female healers, counselors, therapists, physicians, friends, and coworkers

  • the acceleration of all stagnant or delayed home improvement projects

  • breakthrough successes against outstanding legal problems or requirements

  • high frequency engagement with business development services

  • necessary revisitations to unfinished work from the past

  • unprecedented surges in passion, creativity, inspiration, and artistic success

  • the merging of resonant families toward mutual benefit

  • a growing mystical awareness of past life service, skill, and legacy

  • relocations and schedule changes that promote physical healing, work rhythm efficiency, and a healthy new dimension of work/life balance

  • increasing ability to invest in family and business needs

  • high frequency reception of divine inspiration that beautifully guides healing processes and service evolution

  • the unexpected opening of a great political Pandora's box

  • greater ease with recovering debt and improving credit

  • a reemergence and application of wise old ways and ancient traditions, especially those connected to food, water, nature, and healing

  • reward and relief in all forms and magnitudes for those who are exhausted from their labors

  • heavenly support for conscious business development, environmental restoration projects, and the solving of great water crisis

  • mass infusions of life force among the good, decent, and virtuous

  • and the issuing of divine blessings and miracles in reward of all past deeds of goodness

Working Class Relief

When you think of Virgo think of health, labor, and livelihood. It is the humble but necessary house where we heal, serve, and earn our living. This Virgo solar eclipse cycle will bring grace, blessing, and relief to every aspect of our working lives, to all the things which we rely upon to create security for ourselves and for our loved ones. There is a great maternal energy coming in with this eclipse. The ancient Egyptians would equate it with the loving, life-sustaining embrace of Nut. As the weeks pass observe how an unmistakably divine feminine energy aids us with our healing, growth, learning, success, and spiritual ascension.

Home Work

The 9th degree of Virgo, where the eclipse will soon occur, is a nexus of energy and experience that blends work, home, and family as one. Life nourishing currents will be flowing through living spaces and family members to assist us with outstanding "home work" that has yet to be completed, to include the work that awaits us on the emotional level. We're entering an amazing cycle for family healing so it's wise that all family members be made aware of this new cosmic cycle. Work diligently with the refreshing new momentum so that precious domestic goals can be reached. The more that family members consciously work together, the greater the outcomes can be. Use the time and energy efficiently as this cycle ends on March 12th of 2017.

Eclipse Opposite Neptune

The deeds of our past have been profoundly woven into the nature of our post-eclipse experiences. I interpret this from the eclipse's opposition to Neptune Rx at 10° Pisces. The karmic balancing of this new Virgo cycle will work in great harmony with the incoming Jupiter in Libra transit, a transit which will bring God's great justice to the world. Justice has a house and a time and we are soon to enter it. Whatever befalls you beyond this eclipse remember that you've earned it. If life smiles at you then your deeds have been counted well by God. If you are faced with crisis or a difficult reckoning then be honest with your past and work to rectify your soul before the Most High.

King Vulcan

The ancient Greeks knew him as Hephaestus and the Romans knew him as Vulcan. Toward the ides of September this benevolent primordial god will begin a decades long transit through the house of Leo. This explains why the elemental fire will be burning so intensely and so beautifully in the near future. Vulcan holds dominion over terrestrial volcanoes so I wouldn't be surprised if a major eruption occurred in September. From a spiritual and metaphysical perspective I sense that Vulcan in Leo will be greatly stimulating Christ Consciousness throughout the world. We'll feel this energy in our hearts and it will help us to unite in love as never before.

Leo Archetypes Erupt

Doesn't the world need more Leo? The universe thinks so! Leo reigns when it comes to love, beauty, joy, passion, charisma, creativity, artistry, celebrity, nobility, and sovereignty. These are a few of the more notable Leo archetypes that are soon to erupt in hearts and minds all over the world, in sync, of course, with the upcoming transit of Vulcan in Leo. When you feel this new Leo light within you please, for the love of God, shine it boldly into a world that desperately needs it. The mantra of Vulcan in Leo is "amor vincit omnia", that is, "love conquers all." Now recall in the legends that Vulcan made divine weapons for the other gods. What if I told you that Vulcan in Leo was the celestial sword of a higher king? This is the truth that I sense...

The Past Returns

We are entering a mysterious time when the past will return to each of us in unique ways that serve great spiritual purposes. As you reacquaint with elements of your personal past, or with valuable new aspects of humanity's past, be sure to reflect deeply on the divine purpose and the timing of such encounters. In certain cases valuable work, science, and effort left unfinished will reach out to new leaders and champions who are capable of carrying old torches forward. Feel honored when the noble past calls out to you and be sure to develop the unfinished business of distinguished individuals that are mystically bonded to your soul and the future of your work. It is true that some work carries forward through many lifetimes...

Genetic Science

Of all the sciences on Earth genetic science is the one that will advance the most by the mystical effects of this powerful solar eclipse. Pay close attention to the new knowledge, discovery, and potential that genetic science yields over the next six months. Certain mysteries of life will be revealed to certain noble scientists. This cycle will promote a higher awareness and understanding of human health, disease, longevity, potential, and consciousness. Environmental science will also stand to benefit immensely. Investment within these fields would be wise and blessed because the efforts lead to a far greater quality of life for our race as a whole. Who will crack the superman code?

Pattern Evolution

Some people are prisoners of their patterns while others evolve more quickly because they have chosen healthier, more productive patterns to adhere to. The universe is about to intercede on our behalf so that our patterns become wiser, healthier, wealthier, more spiritual, and more oriented with goal fulfillment. Mental, emotional, communicative, and behavioral patterns will be especially nurtured by the incoming cosmic energy. As these therapeutic influences enter from above we should take time to reflect on the true condition of our internal processing. Use this cycle to improve upon and master your patterns so that every sunrise yields a brighter day.

Mystical Training

To the genuine mystics, healers, intuitives, and alchemists out there I have good news for you: We are about to enter a tremendous mystical training cycle that will be preparing us for unforeseen work in 2017. Our spiritual allies, following God's direction, will be training, grooming, testing, and enhancing us so that our skill and service is more valuable and powerful than ever before. Astrologically I interpret this from the goddess Hera's trine to Neptune and her sextile to the eclipse itself. Ancient arts, lessons, skills, and ways will be a major theme of the training. Don't be surprised if you see your old lives, works, and work mates in your dreams...


A ring of fire sets the stage, within my soul you'll find a sage. God bestows the greatest wage, wisdom wins then demons rage. I'm on the hunt now, fabled treasure. Youthful fountains are my pleasure. Cosmic waters, Nut will measure. Mental magic in my leisure. Hermes lent his keys to me, calculations you can't see. Lawful living makes us free, Vulcan brings a king's decree. Jove sings the justice season, spirit guides can test our reason. Pisces' vices include treason, cosmic order our cohesion. Use the stars as guides each day, live in sync and God will pay. Ra reveals the royal way, when times are tough be sure you pray. Of all the keys I favor time, there's alchemy within this rhyme. Astral light makes us sublime, know your mountain, love your climb.

To your infinite success,

Astrologer Salvador Russo

© Copyright 2016, Salvador Russo, Starseed Astrology. All rights reserved. Plagiarism welcomes Saturn's curse.

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