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New Moon in Capricorn: The Power of Polaris

The first new moon of 2018 will activate on January 16th at 26° Capricorn which is known esoterically as the Gate of Polaris. The luminous pole star that once guided slaves into freedom will be amplifying the beneficial properties of our new Capricorn cycle. The growth wave of this lunar season will help us to conquer unfinished business that has carried over from Saturn's transit of Sagittarius so that the astrological new year can begin with true freedom from the negative past. Heaven's inspiration will be illuminating our minds with the wisdom of the ages which shines through 26° Capricorn, a degree that was secretly treasured by the Master Mason Manly P. Hall. Great journeys will soon begin as the light of Polaris hyper-charges our life paths forward!

I predict the following themes and events to manifest til the full moon in Capricorn on June 27th of 2018:

  • landmark Supreme Court decisions that greatly benefit the culture of the USA

  • a highly beneficial "changing of the guard" in Tibet

  • powerful gusts of truth regarding global climate science

  • positive new vision consensus formed among disconnected world leaders

  • the birth of a great political crisis for Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau

  • great reckonings within the stratum of elite religious authorities

  • the controlled elemental demolition of false media empires

  • divine occurrences at the summits of society, industry, and government

  • the manifestation of crystal clear paths of career, academic, and spiritual ascent

  • widespread transferences and transformations of worldly and spiritual legacies

  • profound transmutations of freedom and bondage status, karmically driven

  • lightning fast karmic reckonings for those guilty of gross misconduct

  • the disentangling of unfortunate legal complications, especially at high levels

  • life refreshing enlightenment on spiritual factors that restrict worldly success

  • widespread spiritual punishment against all males who are guilty of misogyny

  • the creation of healthy new domestic, professional, and relationship order

  • great promotions in status according to integrity, truth, morality, and wisdom

  • the experience of rapid spiritual maturation and wisdom acquisition

  • the unexpected opening of true pathways into long sought forms of freedom

  • and rapid career growth for all who are aligned with the Holy Spirit of God

The Great Emancipator

The fixed stars of Heaven each have esoteric names that resonate with the essence of their light and magic. In the case of Polaris, the world's legendary guiding star, that name is "the Great Emancipator." This is because Polaris is a powerful freedom star. Those born under its influence are great champions of freedom, especially through the wise and responsible use of spiritual and terrestrial law. With the new moon activating at the Gate of Polaris we can all expect the currents of life to turn sharply towards new personal freedoms. Life always give signs to confirm cosmic truth so I turn your attention to the promising new legal status of global hero Julian Assange who will soon be enjoying freedoms that he has sought for many years. As this cycle unfolds and as new freedoms are born take time to reflect on the Great Emancipator.

Dragon Bound

A vision came to me about this new moon. I saw a black dragon that symbolized the Devil helplessly bound by a wise man who held in his fist a chain of light that the dragon could not escape. The chain of light represented the entirety of the cosmic and spiritual laws that God ordained in the beginning. This is the type of energy that is coming in with this new moon, especially in the highest echelons of governmental, religious, academic, and global media hierarchies. Be prepared to apply law, wisdom, and powerful new spiritual guidance towards the attainment of great personal goals. As the calendar year starts be sure to reflect on the higher legal order that presides over all mortal and spiritual life. God will be teaching tailor-made lessons to each of us either directly or through His servants so that we know exactly what to do.

Freedom Status

Capricorn is the house and sign that rules all forms of status, from financial status to academic status to spiritual status and beyond. So when a new moon in Capricorn comes we enter a natural time period where our status is transformed in accordance with our karma. Expect to see dramatic transformations of status in the world from meteoric ascents to spectacular falls because the cosmic time has come for it. My clairvoyant wife Amari also had a vision about this lunar cycle: she saw a group of righteous people who were shackled and censored on one side of a room. On the other side she saw evil people who were free, then, as if by a magical force, the shackles were unlocked and transferred onto the evil people. She saw a transmutation of freedom and bondage status according to inner spiritual light and darkness. This is what's ahead for us. Remember that God promotes and demotes according to light.

Saturn's Expectations

Saturn says that it's time to raise the bar on every aspect of our lives. If we want to enter a higher dimension of reality this is the price that we must pay. This new moon is the first to activate since Saturn entered Capricorn so it effectively christens our entrance into the new Saturn paradigm. Because Polaris is one of the great illumination stars, and because our new moon activates with it, God will be graciously sharing wisdom, vision, perspective, and understanding so that we can each succeed in meeting and exceeding Saturn's mystical expectations. Saturn is all about prerequisite tasks that must be fulfilled for one to be awarded an exalted status. Start Saturn's transit on a high note by praying to God for perfect Saturn perspective. With Saturn's game plan in mind you will know how to invest your energy most wisely.

Career Ascent

New moons bring new growth momentum into our lives but each new moon brings a different type of growth momentum. Astrology enables us to understand where we should invest our energies as each new moon comes so that we become one with the perpetual universal growth that God wills for us all. In this cycle we are wise to focus on career development through new academic achievement and higher spiritual learning. Polaris will light up career, academic, international, and philosophical energy everywhere while showering special blessings on all the noble teachers, professors, lawyers, legislators, and journalists of our time. To access the new growth we must be committed to the new learning processes that God opens to us. We must also be responsible with what we learn and how we apply it towards truth and freedom for all.

University of Polaris

New moons also bring Heaven's alchemical focus where divine light is suddenly concentrated into an evil or chaotic situation for immediate rectification. Polaris holds a certain celestial dominion over all terrestrial schools and universities, especially those which operate on elite international levels. As many of you know dark corruption exists in many of the world's most prestigious schools but I have good news to share: this new Capricorn Polaris energy cycle will be devastating to those who are guilty of causing and disseminating academic, religious, and scientific corruption into the world. If you know a corrupt teacher tell them that I said that 2018 will be a very, very difficult year for them. This correction phase precedes Jupiter's transit of Sagittarius, a time when God will be granting new light over all schools.

Legal Status

The 26th degree of Capricorn resonates powerfully with a person's legal status so with a new moon happening here it is wise for us to work on improving our legal status while expanding our legal powers. The cycle that dawns is a very mature one that can bring us face-to-face with intimidating legal and governmental challenges. I know from experience that when we lock horns with challenges, like David did with Goliath, God blesses our courage and favors our cause. Be sure to respect authoritative requirements and deadlines that manifest during this cycle because Saturn is harsh to those who pay no mind to time or established authority. But on the bright side, this new Capricorn energy will work to unlock long-stalled legal matters of great importance to our healing and advancement. Work the law wisely to ascend.

The Uranus Factor

This new moon activates in square to Uranus in Aries with Mars in Scorpio forming a perfect quincunx to Uranus as well. These additional influences guarantee the incoming theme of new partners sharing their power, influence, and resources towards your personal goal fulfillment with surprise dynamics and options surrounding the entire experience. People will be entering "out of the blue" to help you hit your targets. This will especially ring true for those who are dealing with forms of crisis. There is a definite rescue energy created between Mars and Uranus that will carry forward into July so if you're feeling overwhelmed know with clarity that the universe has already scheduled a supporting cast to assist you.

Legacy Evolution

Merriam-Webster offers the following definition for the word legacy: "something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor from the past." Between the new moon in Capricorn, the esoteric influence of Polaris, and Saturn's transit of Capricorn we have all entered a tremendous time period for legacy evolution. This is a good year to give serious thought to the legacies that we wish to leave behind us. The Capricorn influences will help us to crystallize a new vision so that we are able to implement great legacy strategies with passion and lasting purpose. But we can also find ourselves being charged to carry forward legacies from the past, including those from the ancient world that were left unfinished from past lives. If you are tapped to carry something sacred forward be sure to give it your all. The ancients will speak...

Esoteric Insight

On the inner plane this cycle's energy should be used to perfect our connection to universal law. When this is achieved we are able to conquer chaos while creating perfect order and prosperity within our lives. We also gain the power to project light into the world in harmony with the divine. In the old days it was the pharaoh's great responsibility to keep his kingdom synced with the cosmic order. This prevented chaos from destroying the people while it opened the kingdom to the full grace and magic of the celestial hierarchy. I encourage all alchemists to seek oneness with the law through the grace and teaching of God. Seek the power of Polaris and project what you gain in wise timing. You are all part of Heaven's great strategy. Believe in your highest potentials and live your heart that God may bless you evermore.


If I was false I would have fell, I used the law to beat my hell. My magic flows without a spell, I drink each day from wisdom's well. I've been forged in Saturn's fires, the light was cast on my desires. Now it's time to climb new spires, my passion burning through the wires. I've journeyed through the astral plane, I prayed to God to hold me sane. He put the gnosis in my brain, I'm in the zone where masters train. The future is a book to read, through spirit guides I learn with speed. Our souls are measured by the deed, a coward's soul is quick to bleed. I'm seasoned in the spirit war, I've also learned how eagles soar. In alchemy there's always more, in Cancer's house the gilded shore. The solar light is all sublime, make sure you work in Saturn's time. My signature to seal in rhyme, the secret stars my favorite climb.

In cosmic service,

Astrologer Salvador Russo

© Copyright 2018, Starseed Astrology. All rights reserved. Plagiarism welcomes Saturn's curse.

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