The Dioskouri will be dancing beyond tonight's new moon in Gemini! Cosmic winds of change are soon to gust through the grand mutable cross formed between Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter, and the Sun/Moon union at 14° Gemini. Our new cycle is sealed with fortune and beauty as the influence of Venus will be greatly amplified by her presence within the new moon epicenter. Mental magic and illumination are promised to all on their path now that the twins have their time in Heaven. The magic number is "555", with new knowledge we shall thrive.
I predict the following themes and events to manifest until the full moon in Gemini on December 13th, 2016:
the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States
rapid increases in knowledge, learning, and mental synthesis
widespread political elucidation
refreshment and beautification of daily rhythms
radiant new understandings and perspectives on paths of service
the secret births of new telepaths
profound displays of numerological guidance - the Matrix speaks with numbers!
energetic enhancement of mental creativity
mysterious "mind-sync" phenomenon
new joy, beauty, and quality to the days of children and adolescents
rapid technological evolution
powerful new awareness of the reality of spiritual karma
new third eye openings - follow the inner visions
growing societal concern for the condition of the youth
widespread statistical enlightenment - truth by number
the harvesting of blessing according to degree of faith
the presentation of saving grace healing opportunities
genesis and development with all spiritually-aligned work
milestone events and changes within the lives of siblings
and an explosion of synchronicities revolving around pairs, duos, twins, and the number two

Cosmic Winds Of Change
We are journeying out of an incredibly difficult period of astrological retrograde activity. This is the first new moon of 2016 to have Jupiter prograde as it begins so this will, by far, feel like the best new moon of the year. The currents of this new lunar cycle will carry us into the greater half of 2016. Many powerful retrogrades will soon be ending. We can look forward to Hera's prograde in Libra on June 22nd, Mars' prograde in Scorpio on June 29th, Zeus' prograde in Libra on June 30th, Apollo's prograde in Scorpio on July 14th, and Poseidon's prograde in Scorpio on July 27th. In English this means that we will soon be able to succeed and advance in areas of our lives that have been stagnant, dysfunctional, or even painful as the gods will soon be on the move.
Spiritual Service
One of the great problems with our world is that so many jobs and careers have become devoid of creativity and spirituality. The essence of this new moon comes to heal this glaring human problem. Our minds will be opened to higher perspectives that will help us to evolve our work so that it is more valuable to God, to urgent social needs, and to our collective future. Wonderful new phases in our paths of service are soon to begin! Be perceptive of good signs and confirmations, be ready to develop extraordinary opportunities, and be certain to adapt your work for the times. To thrive in this cycle we must embody versatility, adaptability, and intelligence. If your work is stifling your soul this is the cycle to seek your next work. God will help you if you try.
Healing Journeys Accelerated
By the Gemini Sun's square to Jupiter in Virgo I can see that this is a cycle where healing journeys will be accelerated. The pains and wounds from our past will find science, service, and care all throughout this lunar cycle. Distant travel can be part of the remedy so be willing to embark for the sake of health and wellness. Master healers and esteemed experts will present to those who have sought them through the future timing of Jupiter. If you are conscious of astrology know the times of healing and capitalize upon them when they come. Observe all astrological alignments to Jupiter in Virgo and harmonize with them to travel the highest healing path. Beware the Chiron retrograde on June 27th, especially for surgeries, and trust the law, timing, and grace of Jupiter.
Saturn's War
The enemies of truth will loathe this cycle because Saturn's war against them will intensify painfully and relentlessly. Saturn's transit of Sagittarius, which will continue until December 20th of 2017, will absolutely decimate Illuminati media power. A great media war and transition is in progress. Many of you who were born with Uranus or Jupiter in Sagittarius are destined to be part of the new, Aquarian media paradigm which has only just begun to exist. If you have mind, talent, skill, passion, or genius for truth pray for divine support and God will help you to deliver it to the world. As Babylon's media empires burn the new media revolution will continue. The problem of censorship will be thoroughly "addressed" by Saturn in 2017. Censors beware, Saturn is greater than you.
Uranus Retrograde
The next Uranus retrograde period begins on July 29th of 2016. It will last until December 29th of 2016. This energy will create a super-charged sociopolitical environment. The transit of Mars in Sagittarius, which begins on August 2nd, will throw a match to an already volatile sociopolitical environment. I share this to forewarn my readers to avoid unstable, unpredictable, potentially hostile political environments, especially here in the USA. Have faith that the cosmic law will run its course in perfect ways at perfect times. There is no cheating the system of God. Those who participate in unlawful behavior will be severely penalized by the transit of Saturn. Those who rebel against the higher plan will dim their future greatly.
Cosmic Cross
This new moon in Gemini activates what is known as a "grand mutable cross." This cosmic cross is formed between the right angles that Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and the new moon make with one another. The energy of this cosmic cross will be with us until December so it will preside over the most intense period of the U.S. presidential election process. I interpret this cosmic cross to function as a great incubator of truth, one that has formed to force the all-powerful truth into the collective consciousness unlike ever before. Even those who sleepwalk through life will reel from the headlines to come! The great liars, manipulators, hypocrites, and traitors of our time are soon to find themselves crucified by starlight.
Revelation 22
We are absolutely living in the end times described in the Book of Revelation. And although there is great turmoil in the world we should all remember that the prophetic text has a very happy ending, one that has God's righteous people coming out on top. Within the context of astrology I believe we are in a divine harvest season because Jupiter transits Virgo, the house of harvest. Virgo is also the house of labor, the house of our works, so I can't help but to think of Revelation 22:12 where Jesus Christ states, " Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done." We are in an astrological time period where we will each be blessed according to all of our former works. This is the esoteric meaning of Jupiter in Virgo.
The Morning Star
Love will be in the air, and by air I am referring to the air element, the one which holds sway over time itself. We as a people are most fortunate to find Venus in conjunction to the Sun and Moon at 14° Gemini. This means that through the months, through all the ups and downs, there will be a powerfully amplified love/joy/beauty vibration in the ether that we can all choose to tap into at any time. This vibration can be accessed mentally and spiritually, especially through prayer request. Pray to God for access and you shall receive. It's there for us all to share to help carry us through the time. Many a bright and beautiful idea will come to us through this Venus vibration. By the way, September is a powerful month for new love.
Venus in the building, talk about a thrill. The planets keep me high, I'll never need a pill. I'm slidin' with the stars, I'm sharpening my skill. I'm mastering my mind, I'm mixing it with will. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. My homage to the champ, we love him as Ali. If your eye is open, then you'll really see. If you live the law, then you'll wind up free. Crosses up in Heaven, what's a world to do? Jesus kept it simple, start by living true. If you live the truth, Saturn let's you through. Otherwise my friend, you're bound to turn up blue. Planets with their secrets, I've learned a lion's share. Children going hungry, you bet your stars I care. Crystals full of magic, the golden ones are rare. Alchemy is real, I'm going deep, I dare.
In cosmic service,
Astrologer Salvador Russo
© Copyright 2016, Salvador Russo, Starseed Astrology. All rights reserved. Plagiarism welcomes Saturn's curse.
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