The world's most famous, successful and powerful Gemini was born with Tyche, goddess of fortunes, at 28°12' Aquarius in his 6th house. Existing in relative harmony to his sun President Trump's fortune in Aquarius has been recently and dramatically active through his social media merger activities which have reaped him a staggering four billion dollar net worth increase. Before I proceed with a free lesson in astrological fortune have a quick look at President Trump's chart below where you'll find his Aquarius fortune highlighted in his 6th house. Keep this in mind and don't worry, the science of fortune isn't hard to learn and master. Fortune actually works like a clock and we all have our time with it.

Love him or hate him, President Trump is billionaire rich. His most recent leap in wealth began on February 15th when the SEC approved a key merger between the Trump Media & Technology Group and Digital World Acquisitions Corp, a strategic move which enabled President Trump and his team to take Truth Social public toward his manifestation of new billions in profit. The SEC approval happened when President Trump's fortune was activated via conjunction by the transiting Aquarius Sun which you can see in the chart below. The key and extremely fortunate approval that he needed came when the Sun entered conjunction to his fortune in Aquarius. Compare the charts above and below.

After the fortunate SEC approval in February shareholders at Digital World approved the deal to merge with Trump Media and Truth Social, another greatly fortunate development that supported President Trump's ability to manifest his new billions through the public offering of Truth Social on the Nasdaq stock market. When the shareholders agreed to move forward Mars was transiting at 29° Aquarius in conjunction to Trump's fortune at 28° Aquarius. In astrology we call this a "conjunction" but in simpler terms you can think of Mars activating Trump's fortune because it was crossing over it sign and degree wise. From a higher perspective Mars pushed Truth Social public poising Trump for billions.

Between these two recent instances of fortune activations in President Trump's astrological life, one from the Sun and one from Mars, we can see how he leaped into a powerful new level of wealth as his shares became valued in the billions. Upon closer inspection we can see that the key events that made this happen were surgically timed to secret activations of his fortune at 28° Aquarius as I've just shown. This is a level of astrology that is extremely valuable to understand and apply as proficiency and mastery of one's God-given fortune can create extraordinary success and wealth in one's life. The best part is that we are all given a fortune by God according to Tyche's position in our charts.

Trump Tower NYC is one of President Trump's most iconic and profitable properties. Do you think it mere coincidence that its grand opening happened when the Sun was transiting Aquarius making its annual conjunction to his fortune in Aquarius? The chart below proves that President Trump's fortune was divinely activated by the Sun, via conjunction, on February 14th, 1983 when stores, apartments and offices began renting at Trump Tower NYC. This is another phenomenal example of how fortune has operated in his life on the secret astrological level. When you put things under a microscope you can actually see fortune operating like clockwork, the Sun spiking it especially.

Here's another fact regarding President Trump's fortune in Aquarius: Juno, the goddess of marriage, was transiting in Aquarius when he married Melania back on January 22nd of 2005. Neptune and the Sun were also transiting in Aquarius:

When President Trump miraculously and conclusively won the 2016 U.S. President Election Mars and Athena were transiting Aquarius, his fortune sign:

At this point you're able to see a definite pattern at work between Trump's fortune in Aquarius and key times in astrology when his fortune was activated by certain transits in Aquarius. Now here's the great news: this pattern works the same for all of us although the timing and details vary upon our the contents of our individual birth charts. If you don't know the sign and degree of your fortune you can learn that easily and precisely from me by ordering our Astrology 101 report. This is step one in benefiting from this type of knowledge. Step two comes from being able to follow astrology along through a free app called Time Passages which will allow you to see when the Sun and planets will periodically interact with your fortune. I also offer a new service called Fortune's Favor where I personally detail your fortune specifics, including auspicious dates.
In the future I will update this article with more brilliant examples of fortune operating in President Trump's life in a scientific manner. I will show major events and corresponding charts and aspects as proof as I have here today. I am doing this as a public service to open people's minds to this valuable layer of astrology and to also show that fortune functions like science, not new age hocus pocus. When you know the sign and degree of your fortune a wonderful field of learning, vision and profitable potential open to you. I believe that this is one of God's gifts to each of us as we are all issued a fortune at birth. I hope that you've enjoyed this free article, if so kindly share it with your networks.

President Trump has recently and extraordinarily been nominated to grace the face of a resurrected $500 bill! The bill's nomination came through Arizona Rep Gosar at a time when Trump's fortune was activated via transiting Mars in Aries:

This effort caught national attention when the story went viral on June 19th when the transiting Gemini Sun was in trine to Trump's fortune. I actually predicted good fortune events for President Trump on X just days prior:

Having your face and name proposed to a long dormant treasury note is no ordinary thing. It takes a stroke of fortune to advance such an extraordinary cause. And I'm showing the secret science of it to you, it comes like clockwork.

By the way, goddess Tyche will always be connected to money and currencies according to her God-given jurisdiction. Here I've just shown the truth of this mystical correspondence. Trump moves closer to currency in Tyche's timing.

On August 23rd, 2024 in the heat of the U.S. presidential election President Trump experienced one of the greatest political fortunes of his entire life: he received a powerful election-tilting endorsement from RFK Jr just four days after a "super blue" full moon in Aquarius activated his fortune at 28° Aquarius! This seminal moment radiated with genuine energy of divine intervention as well as renewed national hope and enthusiasm for the future. It should be clearly known that President Trump's fortunate activation four days prior was directly connected to the timing and great magnitude of this timeline blessing event in his life and for the USA and world at large. RFK Jr's incredibly noble endorsement of President Trump confirms that the science and timing of fortune is a very real and powerful element within the greater majesty of astrology which God created to secretly govern all worldly affairs. The chart below shows how the Aquarius supermoon activated Trump's chart days prior:

The next chart below reveals the degree of the "super blue" full moon in Aquarius that happened on August 19th. Notice that it happened at 27° Aquarius which is constitutes a "conjunction" to President Trump's own fortune at 28° Aquarius. Once again we can objectively and scientifically see a dramatically fortunate event manifesting in President Trump's life in precise accordance with the mechanics of astrology. Simply stated, a supermoon in Aquarius, which is Trump's fortune sign, preceded one of the greatest political fortunes of his life within the same week! This is also a great fortune for all of humanity and for the future itself, fields of reality which Aquarius governs in astrology. On August 10th, 13 days before any of this happened, I predicted the following on X:
"President Trump has a great and rare fortune just ahead of him that I believe will have a positive and even divine impact on his election victory calculus. The full moon will nearly perfectly conjunct his Aquarian fortune." And it happened like clockwork because astrology is celestial science designed by God Almighty.

In yet another staggering demonstration of President Trump's fortune, it's timing and operation look to the case of his $TRUMP meme coin's financially explosive debut on January 17th, 2025 - a day when the transiting Sun at 28° Capricorn perfectly made a semi-sextile aspect to his natal fortune at 28° Aquarius! With his fortune activated through the Capricorn Sun his meme coin surged to $14.5B in value within mere hours! How extremely fortunate for him and how synchronistic that this took place exactly when the Sun activated his fortune! Here's a look at the day chart of when his meme coin launched on Solana:

And in the Trump chart below you can see how the Capricorn Sun lit his fortune:

This is an extremely dramatic proof that the concept of astrological fortune is real and that it works in a scientific manner. As I like to say, "like clockwork." Now, this is fine and wonderful for President Trump but what about your fortune and when will it be super active according to your God-given astrology? A consult with me can make it super clear and potentially, super fortunate. If you're interested in learning and benefiting on this level book my popular "Fortune's Favor" service here. I look forward to providing you my best!
Astrologer Salvador Russo

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Yep, Donald Trump made it to another presidential seat in the White House 👍Amidst of hollow laughter, and vitriol, directed at Donald Trump, I'm smiling inside. This man's lifepath, that of a maverick, may surprise us for the betterment of war endings, and sweeping clean of debris most foul, and other forms of abominations.
lol get ready to lose tomorrow maga
Thanks for this! Is there an app like time passages on Android do you know?
Great article and so detailed! Big mahalo!
Thank you, Sal. Are you able to say that Pres Trump’s fortune will smile on him in Nov? I sure do pray so…