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Nuclear Threat Astrology Then & Now

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There are striking parallels between the astrology of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the active tension that we currently see between Western nuclear powers and Russia. First of all, Saturn was transiting Aquarius back then, as it is now, and Uranus was also aspecting Saturn back then, as it is now. During the nuclear crisis of 1962 there was a quincunx between Uranus in Virgo and Saturn in Aquarius, today it's a square between Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius. In other words, the same planets in the same elements. But as we know, the Cuban Missile Crisis did resolve in a divine way as there was no nuclear war that happened. I believe that the same grace will repeat as well. Below is the chart that shows the astrological specifics of when, precisely, the Cuban Missile Crisis ended. The date was October 28th, 1962 when there was a new moon in Scorpio that squared Saturn and both fate nodes while also sextiling Uranus.

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This is the first time that I've studied the Cuban Missile Crisis. I was delighted to find that it ended on a new moon day as this confirms my multi-year teaching that new moons are always divine milestones in every year. The new moon of October 28th, 1962 activated fate divinely while extinguishing the grave threat of nuclear war which was then symbolized, as it is now, by Saturn in Aquarius. It should be noted that just two days prior, on October 26th of 1962, the Scorpio Sun made a perfect trine to Jupiter retrograde in Pisces, a trine of divine, world-saving grace that synchronized with Khrushchev's de-escalation offer which President Kennedy wisely accepted. Here is what that looks like in chart form:

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I am optimistic about upcoming nuclear de-escalation events because of near-term astrological factors that parallel de-escalation events from the past. First of all, great benefic Jupiter will retrograde into Pisces, the house where it was when the Cuban Missile Crisis ended, on October 28th where it will remain until December 20th. To me this is a great de-escalation window in general but of course we have a new moon in Scorpio to look forward to on October 25th which has a historical connection to nuclear crisis reduction. Although the next new moon doesn't immediately aspect Saturn or the fate nodes as it did in 1962 the Scorpio Sun will deliver divine fate on November 5th and it will square/strike nuclear crisis themed Saturn on November 10th and 11th, the latter date holding special numerological significance as it renders calendrically as "11/11/22." With certainty, the world will make progress against the Saturnians during this square.

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It should also be noted that negotiations are governed by Libra and that our next new moon in Scorpio features a rare conjunction between Mercury and Zeus at 22° Libra. I interpret this as a divine nuclear negotiations influence that will lead to powerfully unorthodox methods of negotiation and crisis de-escalation. Through previous works I've objectively shown how President Putin and President Trump both represent Zeus energy so I wouldn't be surprised if they began to communicate toward this end, including beyond traditional political boundaries or protocols. It should be clearly understood that Saturn in Aquarius is a grave nuclear threat risk to the world. It was in the past and it is again now but thankfully, according to God's design, there are real signs of hope and resolution in the heavens. I've presented the most relevant factors to you with the specific goal of imparting peace of mind and an upliftment to your spirit.

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I eagerly welcome Scorpio season because the next new moon in Scorpio features a dramatic Yod configuration in it. In astrology the Yod is also known as the Finger of God. It represents an all-powerful form of divine will that forces special conditions and outcomes into being. Sometimes a Yod can have a negative expression but the Yod in our next Scorpio new moon is comprised totally of benefic forces with the greatest benefic of all, Jupiter, at the shining apex of it! This is an extremely positive sign of divine, crisis-conquering victories of all kinds coming ahead to our crisis-stricken world. Note also that Jupiter, holding the apex of the Yod, will be exactly at the Aries Point of the zodiac, a sacred place of new beginnings. Because of this I think, humbly but surely, that we will be seeing some powerful acts of God in the not-so-distant future...

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"all with Yods will feel it"

I hope that your mind and spirits feel brighter having seen and learned these things which I share freely for the greater good. If you found this article to be beneficial in any way kindly share it with your networks. Because of the unique work that we do we remain extremely censored on certain social channels. Your shares and honorable mentions are appreciated and those who are willing can contribute to our company here. On a final note, it would be very, very wise for us all to superimpose the upcoming Yod into our birth charts to gain insight into which areas of our lives will be most blessed, changed or otherwise effected. We offer industry-leading Uranian charts for those who would like the best kind of birth chart to learn and navigate from. With your chart in hand transplant the Yod factors into your houses and interpret from there. If you need help with this let us know. We send love and encouragement from patriot Arizona, the best is yet to come!

In God we trust,

Astrologer Salvador Russo


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