Chapter three of our Genesis year begins with the new moon in Aries of March 27th! New beginnings are the business of Aries so if you have doubted the Genesis theme of 2017 life will soon make you a believer. New victories, advances, and unforeseen metamorphosis, held secret even from the wise, will soon be dyeing our days as the phoenix fire unexpectedly pours through the 7th degree of the house of heroes. Dig deep and be strong for heaven's blitzkrieg is upon us...
I predict the following themes and events to manifest til the full moon in Aries on October 5th:
dramatic increases in personal and spiritual power for those who are cosmically aligned
unexpected transformations, initiations, and transferences of wealth and power
the blessing and strengthening of all wounded heroes and heroines
a divine purging of evil from the ranks of military, law enforcement, and investigative professionals
a powerful new wave of spiritual curses cast against the demons and terrorists of our time
conquests of fear with increasing frequency and magnitude
mysteriously positive transformations in physical appearance
the rapid advancement of vital medical procedures, discoveries, and developments
inevitable confrontations with great life crossroads
a growing sense of confidence from accelerated life metamorphosis
the exposure and punishment of criminal networks within law enforcement networks
the international advancement of powerful anti-evil “sting” operations
great new illumination cast upon the so-called “merchants of death”
a growing sense of the universe supporting noble personal ambitions
adventures into the sacred sides of our lives and world
the uncovering and extermination of hidden “scorpion nests”
advancement through stealth, secrecy, and encrypted messages
increases in resilience on the emotional and psychological levels
life advancement in direct proportion to self-control ability
guided learning and enlightenment on unrealized world mysteries
powerfully transformational confrontations with alter egos
and the heavenly descent of protective warrior angels
Heroes Awaken
The cosmic archetypes of hero and heroine belong to Aries. This new moon will activate just two days prior to Athena’s entry into the House of Aries. Athena, who was known to the ancient Egyptians as Neith, goddess of war and weaving, will be in transit of Aries until June 27th. Her influence will inspire heroic character development throughout the world. Through the fire element and through the magic of her aegis she will rouse heroic deeds from the suspecting and unsuspecting alike, and all towards the successful advancement of God’s great strategy.
On the 13th and 14th of April, beneath the awe inspiring Sun/Uranus conjunction in Aries, radical new spiritual abilities will be imparted to the worthy ones of the world. Quantum leaps in consciousness and mental ability will also be triggered in divine support of this ‘forward charge’ Aries cycle. Do not hesitate to advance with the courageous new light that will soon be abundant on Earth. If you have the soul of a leader or if you feel instinct compelling you into an uncharted yet promising path, be brave, be revolutionary, and seize the divine potential of this heroic cycle.
A vision came to me recently that spiritually depicted the upcoming Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius. I saw lost souls with dark silhouettes leaning headfirst into a tempestuous gale of wind, heat, and fire, striving in vain to advance across a barren landscape. The sky was charred with smoke, ash, and an ominous red glow. Eventually their strength failed them and the unrelenting force of Saturn’s firestorm knocked them off their feet. They reeled and tumbled away until they vanished along the horizon line. This is what will soon come to the dark ones.
Saturn’s final retrograde in Sagittarius begins on April 6th just ten days after this Aries cycle begins. To put it simply everything must be done by the book, by the code, by the law, and by the stars, otherwise serious blockages and dysfunctions will result on the material and spiritual planes. Saturn, the great cosmic enforcer, will not be cheated. Understand clearly that to ascend and advance during this Aries cycle our actions must be authorized by Saturn, so to speak. The greatest victories will come to those who temper their actions with the timing of cosmic law.
Rapid Regeneration
One of the most positive themes of this Aries lunar cycle is that of rapid regeneration. The cosmos will be orchestrating so that we are able to heal much more quickly, especially through timely or fortunate resource sharing that is mysteriously targeted to our greatest pains. It will seem as if the universe is acutely focused on our suffering, our wounds, and on the shadows that we don’t speak of. In shamanic terms this cycle will be rich with ‘snake medicine’ that heals and transforms divinely. Purge if need be and know that many a cure will be wrapped in mystery.
Cosmic Dragnet
God knows that there is great corruption within the ranks of the world’s police, military, and investigative forces. Without going into detail, so as not to compromise an ongoing operation, I will share that a ‘cosmic dragnet’ will be cast upon the demons who have infiltrated these ranks. I sense that Michael, one of the great ‘angels of the presence’, will be directly involved with this operation which will extend well into Jupiter’s 2018 transit of Scorpio. Expect to see great revelations of crime within the ranks of the protectors and alleged crime fighters. God sees you...
Phoenix Fire
As this cycle advances through the life restoring Cancer Sun the legendary phoenix fire will mysteriously rise within certain industrial cities and world capitals to help reclaim territory that was lost in the spiritual war. Locational examples include Detroit, Michigan and Manila, the capital of the Philippines. There will be other cities, including in Europe and South America, that will be invigorated by the phoenix fire. Let me be clear that this energy will trigger industrial resurrections that directly counter the Satanic strategy of widespread deindustrialization.
As the phoenix takes flight beyond the Cancer Sun we ourselves will feel the spirit of rebirth and the sentiment of new life cascading through our days. Phoenix-like rebirth is one of the most prominent spiritual themes of 2017 but for some to fly high there must first be the metaphorical death of the old ways and the old identity. This new moon in Aries cycle offers tremendous potential for success and ascension through inner spiritual transformation which is the essence of alchemy. Lock horns with inner darkness and use the new cosmic energy to come out the victor.
Golden Deals
Golden deals will be manifesting and culminating throughout this Aries cycle to help us grow and build in the material sense. Many of these golden deals will have strong male involvement. Some will come by couples and some will be authorized or requested by elite women in powerful positions. However they present be sure to deal justly or you will spiritually abort higher potentials that exist beyond the deal and beyond your knowing. Sweeten your future fortunes by being fair, generous, considerate, and by compromising to keep the precious peace.
Shadow Conquest
Inner darkness thwarts external success. This is an ancient truth that should be reflected on as this Aries cycle advances. The good news is that life and energy will be supporting shadow conquest for all of us. This cycle will also be a proving ground of sorts for those who are still battling their demons. Illumination, support, and resources will be magnetized to those who are struggling against inner darkness and newly inflicted pain. Psychological healing and subconscious cleansing will be happening in traditional, abstract, and supernatural ways.
Sacred Adventures
Sacred adventures will soon be opening to those who are more conscious, more spiritual, and more advanced in their cycles. New levels of courage, commitment, and perception will be required to advance along these mysterious new alchemical paths that will prove themselves with signs that are subtle, powerful, and repetitious. This cycle will sizzle with sacred and supernatural energy that will take time to adjust to. Adopt new rituals and evolve your service to the world in accordance with the secret insights and transformations that will soon surprise you.
Inevitable Confrontations
To tell you the truth the season has come for many inevitable confrontations to occur. There are critical decisions that need to be made for the sake of personal growth, spiritual development, national security, international peace, and the service of the highest good. If and when you find yourselves in a state of confrontation strive to do the wise and righteous thing. This is the only guideline I can share at this time. Be courageous at your crossroads, demonstrate confidence in God, and don’t shy away from a righteous fight or cause. Aries rules the guardians and fortune favors the bold.
Unforeseen Metamorphosis
Just as our souls are dyed by the stars of our birth we are transformed by the transits and cycles of heaven. But some transits and cycles are more transformational than others and this is definitely one of them. As soon as the new moon activates a potent hybrid energy will begin to trigger new and unforeseen metamorphosis processes in our lives. This metamorphosis energy will increase in power as the months pass into October when Jupiter enters Scorpio to dramatically increase, to the tune of ten thousand times, the metamorphosis action on Earth.
Be encouraged by the new inner light that will be growing in secret. Be decisive when your instincts and intuition overwhelm you. Be exploratory of new strengths and powers that the cosmos instills in you. Be fearless as you tread the paths that you never thought you would. Be assertive in claiming and winning what is rightfully yours. Be adventurous with the new life that the universe unfolds for you. And be dauntless if the forces of darkness challenge you along the way. Keep to the solar path, pay Saturn his due, and advance toward the mystery of Jupiter in Scorpio.
With passion and courage,
Astrologer Salvador Russo
© Copyright 2017, Salvador Russo, Starseed Astrology. All rights reserved. Plagiarism welcomes Saturn's curse.
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