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Brexit Astrology! Boris/Jupiter Wins Landslide!

Writer's picture: Starseed AstrologyStarseed Astrology

Divine history has once again been made by the planet Jupiter as Boris Johnson, a prominent Jupiter microcosm that I identified this past September, has utterly smashed his Saturnian opponent, Jeremy Corbyn, in a landslide electoral victory that will guarantee his promise and destiny to deliver Brexit to the British people! With the Sagittarius Sun in semi-sextile to Pluto in Capricorn and with glorious Jupiter in trine to Uranus, the people's planet, the wise citizens of the United Kingdom have together chosen the ultimate and most beneficial timeline into the future. With transiting Jupiter in favorable aspect to Uranus the British Conservative Party can be rightly identified as the 'Jupiter party' just as the Republican Party can be rightly identified as the 'Jupiter party' here in the USA.

A great lesson will now play out in the astrological community and among thinking citizens, that by voting the Jupiter candidates and parties into power tremendous and revolutionary good will be seen in that nation. And now the concrete proof that Prime Minister Johnson is in fact a British Jupiter: as he led his party to an incredible, continent-shaking victory transiting Jupiter at 2° Capricorn made perfect opposition to his Point of Fate at 2° Cancer. In other words, the greatest political achievement of his entire life has come during a Jupiter aspect to his fate just as it did in President Trump's 2016 solar return chart. We can reasonably conclude, considering the divine nature of Jupiter, that Prime Minister Johnson's victory was fated by the Most High. Congratulations Boris!

Facebook UK Political Astrology Coverage

Because of my sincere concern for the welfare of British citizens I began studying the astrology of UK politics several months ago. I've studied many charts, including the Queen's, and I've come to many precise, factual, and accurate conclusions. For those who don't follow us on Facebook or Twitter I welcome you to some screenshots of insights that I've shared over the past many months:

Full Moon Gemini

Prime Minister Johnson is one of the world's most powerful Geminis. Let's take note that he has etched his name into history in a glorious way just hours after a full moon in his sign. Let's also take note of the divine chemistry that he shares with President Trump who is the world's most powerful Gemini. Expect titanically good things to manifest between them as they are literally cosmic brothers appointed by God to the highest stations in their respective nations. Amari and I rejoice greatly for our brothers and sisters in the UK! You did it! You wonderful blessed beings, you did it! You have defeated Saturn's attempt to destroy your country through a Corbyn government! Now the dominoes are really going to fall all over Europe! To our friends in Europe, have faith God's perfect plan!

Closing Words

It has been a pleasure to cover UK political astrology these past months and it has been a great pleasure to write this article for you. If you have friends in the UK or any of the Commonwealth nations I ask that you share this article with them. Many people ask me to cover political events and figures in their countries. I absolutely intend on doing so within the harmony of cosmic timing. Australia is on my list as are the many wonderful nations of Europe which I continue to pray for. Keep watch for my Christmas eclipse article and be sure to sign up for my Starseed SMS alerts to keep wise to astrology week to week. Our professional services are always available and don't forget to order charts and 2020 astrological calendars for your loved ones this Christmas. Bravo Britain!

With passion and integrity,

Astrologer Salvador Russo


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