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Libyan Tektite, Moldavite, Herkimer Diamond Bracelet

Libyan Tektite, Moldavite, Herkimer Diamond Bracelet


This is an extremely rare and beautiful metaphysical bracelet made of faceted, high-grade 8-9mm Libyan Tektite, Moldavite and Herkimer diamond. The beads are strung on high durability stretch cord and are accented with gold fill beads.


This combination of meteorites and crystal is very, very powerful and highly alchemical in a divine and spiritually protective way. It will open you to your master form while enhancing you in energy, consciousness and cosmic connectivity. 


If this were made in the old days you would find it on the wrist of a pharaoh or his wife. In the crystal community faceted forms of these meteorites are 'top of the top', increasingly rare and highly desireable. 


Full length descriptions of these meteorites and Herkimer diamond can be found on their respective galleries. These have tremendous synergy together and in key word terms this bracelet will activate cosmic awakening, destiny alignment, mystic empowerment, ability activation, sovereignty and much, much more. 


This is a one of a kind bracelet, there are no others available. Once again, the availability count is one. This was personally created by Mystic Amari, the psychic half of Starseed Astrology. The new owner will be extremely pleased with the quality and power of this bracelet which is totally impressive. 


With passion and integrity,


Astrologer Salvador Russo & Mystic Amari 

  • Return Policy

    This bracelet is being sold in excellent condition. All sales are final.

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