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Key of Glory

Key of Glory


The Key of Glory is one of the lost Hermetic keys that is connected to the wisdom contained within the Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean. By applying an esoteric planetary formula I can calculate the precise astrological degree where your Key of Glory exists. This sacred point in your horoscopic life reveals where the Glory of God manifests itself in accordance with astrological timing. The Key of Glory is a profoundly beneficial yet secretive part of every person's horoscope that is often the missing link to a mastered life.


With precise knowledge of its location one can consciouly develop their unique personal glory in harmony with the infinite Glory of God as it manifests through the unique timing and nature of their birth chart. Truth be told, there is a secret science to personal glory. There are periodic times, alignments and seasons that are greatly supportive of glory discovery, development and amplification. I offer this service to those who would like to clearly understand and fully experience their God-given glory.


Through this service I'll provide the exact house and degree location of your Key of Glory along with a clear and enlightening interpretation that will include its highest possible potentials. I'll factor in any special aspects to your Key of Glory that I may find within your birth chart while also forecasting greatly beneficial times in your future when your glory will be most active. This service offers life-long value as you'll gain the priceless ability to observe and develop your glory in harmony with astrological science.


All glory belongs to God but through the Hermetic level of astrology we can perceive and receive divine glory as it was promised to us at birth. This is one of my most sacred and carefully crafted services. I assure you of my highest caliber work and I welcome you to read my reviews for further perspective on my quality. With my own glory intimately connected to esoteric astrology, its use and its teaching this service is extremely close to my heart, mind and soul. I look forward to giving you my very best.


Gloria Dei,


Astrologer Salvador Russo




© 2020. Starseed Astrology. All rights reserved.

  • Birth Time Perspective

    This service is most excellent with a percise birth time. I can calculate the Key of Glory without a perfect birth time for a precise degree location but house references will be lost. If you don't know your birth time you can still learn the precise degree of your glory which is a great advantage. If you havea any questions about this feel free to contact me. - Sal

  • Service Delivery Speed

    Delivered within 4 - 8 weeks depending upon client volume, an expedited service option is available. By booking this service you agree to the stated waiting period and terms. No refunds.

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