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The November 2021 Partial Lunar Eclipse Decoded

Partial lunar eclipses, like the one coming on November 19th at 27° Taurus, signal a change of season in the house of their occurrence. They mark times of transition, in this case from one economic order into another through a process of alchemy which God controls. We should have no fear about such an eclipse happening in Taurus, the zodiac's house of economics, but rather optimism and wonder about the fine details of God's mysterious plan. Taurus governs our material life - from needs to earnings to expenses - and a time rapidly approaches when God will begin to transform the financial chessboard in ways that will benefit the global economy while weakening the dark money archons.

november, 2021, partial, lunar, eclipse, chart, uranian, starseed, astrology

November 2021 Lunar Eclipse: Global Perspective

Realistically speaking, global citizens have Goliath-sized enemies within the global financial system. We are facing serious problems with supply chains, inflation and forced unemployment connected to violations of worker rights. The situation is unsustainable but eclipses open new seasons of positive evolution like milestones of light within a dark corridor. Dark authorities around the world will suffer negative effects from this eclipse as the Sun will activate it from Scorpio, the house which governs power and abuses of power. Through Jupiter's advance through this eclipse season I predict that great obstacles will be removed so that the economic condition of We The People can improve.

At present we are seeing the Scorpio/Taurus axis of energy playing out in painful, confrontational and powerfully transformational ways. Essentially, we are seeing mandates (Scorpio) versus economics (Taurus) and as of yet there is no major concession or change but that's what this next eclipse is for. Notice in the chart above that the eclipse will exactly occur on the Scorpio/Taurus axis, the meaning there being that Light and the positive change that Light creates will be entering the very worst of the clash between mandates and economics. Power will come to the powerless while it is stripped from those who have abused their power. A fateful hand of intervention will force changes that the Scorpions resist.

"crosses of earth to them"

I can confirm that this partial lunar eclipse will 'negatively interact' with several globally known names on the dark side. For legal reasons I won't name specific individuals but I assure you that many of them are A-list demons behind some of the worst thing that we are seeing on Earth right now. The enemies of the global economy will receive 'crosses of earth' that will severely damage their agenda. We are already seeing an example of this through the implosion of Evergrande in China. With the understanding that Communist China is a driving force of harm to the global economy and with perspective of China's chart I predict a powerful economic decline in China, post eclipse, akin to the opening of a black hole.

I spotlight the China chart because the CCP is the economic engine behind the communist globalist push. When the eclipse brings an 'earth cross' into China financial contagion will spread from the Chinese economy into 'collaborative financial structures' in the West that are deeply invested in China. Between this eclipse and the more powerful blood moon eclipse in Taurus that will happen in May of next year I predict that we are stepping into an astrological season of economic restoration that will be born through a death and rebirth process that is concentrated upon the negative elements of the global financial order as they currently exist. With the Atlas and Lazarus degrees involved it will be profound.

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November Lunar Eclipse 2021 Horoscope for Aries

The eclipse can signal the end of a certain method of earning which may cause fear unless you realize that God has a new and brighter path for you. Next year Jupiter will enter your sign where it hasn't been for twelve years, a transit which guarantees you next level success in your current path or breakthrough success with something entirely new. As the eclipse reformulates your values and material circumstances it will be important for you to invest your energy and developmental activities into things that resonate not only with your needs but with new passions, causes and changes that you are seeking. If a door closes or if stagnancies persist remember that Aries is the entrepreneur of the zodiac.

Recommended gems for Aries: Astrophyllite & Garnet

November Lunar Eclipse 2021 Horoscope for Taurus

If there was ever a time for deep personal change it is now. You need to make sure that the diamonds within you are being polished and properly presented so that you don't have to conform to a livelihood that you don't love. Major changes in your relationship life are part of this season so be ready to release, transform and embrace in accordance. Don't give power away where you shouldn't and make sure to heal and leverage relationships that can help you gain a positive new traction while releasing entanglements. Causes for limitations on personal wealth will be illuminated for you so that you can consciously engage in a profitable transformation process. Stop and reflect, are you using wealth wisely?

Recommended gems for Taurus: Moldavite & Garnet

November Lunar Eclipse 2021 Horoscope for Gemini

This eclipse can bring out skeletons in your closet or critical matters that can no longer be hidden or ignored with potential to become very public and impactful of your reputation and career. With responsible handling and resolution of such matters you can step into higher wealth and an evolved path of service that increases your power, name and purpose. Deep ventures into your health and healing are important parts of your new season which can easily become unusually yet beneficially psychic. If a certain work is killing you let it go as the time for divine transformation with your work has come. Karmic returns that express through your material life are upon you, seek the wisdom in them.

Recommended gems for Gemini: Himalayan Black Quartz & Seraphinite

November Lunar Eclipse 2021 Horoscope for Cancer

Your past use of wealth for the greater good of others, especially loved ones, is directly connected to the positive financial surprises and new dream-building momentum in your not-so-distant future. It's important to focus on underutilized network and community resources in your life because through them and others to come you'll be able to make major leaps ahead with respect to your own goals, dreams and economic needs. Paradigm shifts in your creative power and productive capacities are big themes into the vernal equinox, just make sure to capitalize on new network connections that manifest in support of your security, happiness and future prosperity. Big investment surprises bless your future.

Recommended gems for Cancer: Aquamarine & Sunstone

November Lunar Eclipse 2021 Horoscope for Leo

Major changes in financial status are themed to your eclipse season with details corresponding to the eclipse's aspects in your chart. So long as you're transitioning wisely you'll be able to climb higher on the economic mountain. Guideposts will be given to confirm blessed economic paths with mentors and masters assisting you into a new position of authority and family power. On the home front the eclipse energy will help you to heal wounds from the recent past while helping you to transform family, business, property and environmental conditions quite favorably. Build on reputation and capitalize on special forms of hard-won experience as experience can be your golden scepter this season.

Recommended gems for Leo: Libyan Tektite & Garnet

November Lunar Eclipse 2021 Horoscope for Virgo

The eclipse will shine on an area of your life that is like a crossroads of wisdom, wealth, law and freedom. Through a golden transition into a higher level of learning and legal sophistication you'll be able to make valuable adjustments to your life that will work to resolve day-to-day problems, entanglements and forms of crisis. As new eclipse teachers, guides and benefactors enter make sure that you are applying and integrating the lessons and counsels towards divine results. Legal, scholastic, political, multicultural and international activities can play defining roles in quality of life transformations deep into 2022. Spiritual development is vital at this time, growth in spirit leads to growth in wealth.

Recommended gems for Virgo: Topaz & Sugilite

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November Lunar Eclipse 2021 Horoscope for Libra

If digging out of debt is one of your priorities you'll be very happy with this eclipse season. New opportunities to consolidate and eliminate debt will abound while the universe affords you positive and peculiar chances to stabilize and elevate your financial security. Inheritance, restitution and credit access are highlighted favorably, your challenge will be to account and allocate wisely so that you're working optimum magic between debts, new earnings and routine financial responsibilities. Keep watch for special assets and resources that can provide remedy, power and new earning potential into your life. The wealth of others will be more accessible to you but maintain trust and honor at all times.

Recommended gems for Libra: Emerald & Himalayan Black Quartz

November Lunar Eclipse 2021 Horoscope for Scorpio

Relationship transformations connected to wealth, earnings, assets and expenses are at the very core of your eclipse experiences. Favorable changes with financial responsibilities and burdens carried for others are just ahead so that your personal agenda can advance with greater ease. Expect a 'changing of cast' theme to emerge that enables connection with the right partners to build and prosper with in 2022. Trust is all important for you now as it spiritually underscores your success potential. Fair dealings with new wealth can make or break you, remember that God is watching. As your new earth comes make sure to invest in your own regeneration, happiness and special work close to heart.

Recommended gems for Scorpio: Herkimer Diamond & Topaz

November Lunar Eclipse 2021 Horoscope for Sagittarius

A long season closes on a certain type of work and general health condition. This eclipse brings new dawn energy into your productive routines, income activities, self-care efforts, special skills and valued talents which all stand to blossom. Positive work, health and income evolution are sealed into the months ahead along with powerful new potential to enter prestigious work-related paradigms. On the inner level you'll be able to tap new power and mystical resources which should be concentrated on your evolved working life. Missing links and building blocks will enter to advance your healing, fitness and success with work, special projects and your overall sense of professional fulfillment.

Recommended gems for Sagittarius: Topaz & Ruby

November Lunar Eclipse 2021 Horoscope for Capricorn

It's been hell with Pluto in your sign but this eclipse brings revitalization to your heart along with material reinforcement that honors your passion pursuits, long term goals and special tastes for beauty. Although some lovers may fade out, this eclipse is a romantic turning point that will amplify in power beyond next May's blood moon which is rarely strong for love and the full material coverage of your loved ones. A new creative chapter is dawning for you that can elevate your position within peer groups, communities and professional ladders quite powerfully. Channel your heart into abstract yet brilliant concepts and designs connected to work, art, business and public service to maximize your ascent.

Recommended gems for Capricorn: Ruby & Lemurian Crystal

November Lunar Eclipse 2021 Horoscope for Aquarius

It's time for a major upgrade to your domestic and security conditions. In the weeks ahead, through Jupiter's transit in your sign, you'll gain new material ability, fortunate property access, renewed business momentum, benevolent patron support and golden investment opportunities that will all enable new security, comfort and success in your life. You're exiting a season of financial pressure at home that can be directly connected to major career transformation or business reinvention. Location is critical this season, especially for wealth increases, so welcome God's help for perfect placement. Build, remodel, update and expand according to family needs, the gold light comes to your foundations.

Recommended gems for Aquarius: Sapphire & Aquamarine

November Lunar Eclipse 2021 Horoscope for Pisces

A clear mind is so important for you at this time because your eclipse enrichment will come primarily through your mental plane. A wealth creating learning sequence will advance in your life that will include inspired thoughts and ideas that have great lucrative potential. The responsibility to bring them into material form, however, is yours. Commercial application, invention, proper marketing and interwoven legalities are highlighted as are financial returns through lawsuits and insurance. A 'mover and shaker' influence will enter that can have you rubbing shoulders with smart, wealthy, established people whom you can learn and benefit from, especially on the knowledge and communication levels. Limits on wealth and quality of life from false beliefs will be powerfully pierced.

Recommended gems for Pisces: Charoite & Tanzanite

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Closing Words

I give this article freely for the general benefit of the astrological community and our Starseed Astrology network. It took many days and great concentration to produce, those who would like to make a contribution can do so here or via Venmo, our ID is @starseedastrology. Despite the challenges that we face here on Earth our optimism and faith are high that God will deliver for us all, especially now that Jupiter is prograde. Amari and I welcome you to join us on Telegram, our new and preferred social media platform. As always we welcome your comments and we appreciate your circulation of our content as we have been extremely censored over the years. Keep the faith and hold the lines, the best of the Great Awakening is to come.

With passion and integrity,

Astrologer Salvador Russo


© 2021-2022. Starseed Astrology. All rights reserved. Of The People And For The People Always.

7,432 views4 comments


Oct 23, 2021

This is my first time reading your work. What a pleasure!

Normally I only read my sun, moon and ascendant. But your article was so interesting I read all 12 signs.

Thank you, I look forward to reading more of your work. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

Sal & Amari
Sal & Amari
Oct 23, 2021
Replying to

Welcome to our site and thank you for the compliment. We wish you divine eclipse experiences. Best wishes to you and your loved ones.


Oct 23, 2021
Thank you, Salvador, it's always a well balanced message that you present in your posts. There's a vision growing stronger within me, that shows a truth about how those "Goliath-sized enemies within the global financial system" mentioned by you at the start of your post, will come to their fall. As I perceive it, all use of life force energy with the intent to destroy, and create abomination, will end in a shriveling, or drying up of that power, due to the fact that no vitality is present in it to sustain it. Only the use of life force energy in building up life, creative efforts, in a striving and thriving manner will blossom, and come to fruition.
To give…
Sal & Amari
Sal & Amari
Oct 23, 2021
Replying to

You're welcome and thanks for your valued comment. It's only a matter of time before their system fails, we do our best to detail the process. Wishing you a divine path into 2020.

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